Despite garnering an impressive eight nominations for the 2023 Grammy Awards, Beyoncé has been laying low in recent weeks. On Sunday, the singer went out with Jay-Z for a date at Giorgio Baldi, a notorious celeb enclave. The singer wore a navy pleated tennis skirt and strappy heels to the event. She also wore a Whitney Museum merch tee with a long-sleeve.
While Bey is one to make trends, not chase them, the look fits in with fashion’s ongoing obsession with tennis. Miu Miu took over a tennis club this year, having already made court-ready skirts. What’s great about this tonal look is how Queen Bey pairs the preppy garment with a more streetwear-minded screen-print tee from one of America’s finest and most enduring museums. It’s the perfect mix of high and low.
The star was wearing Whitney Merch, but Eagle-eyed fans saw it. This rare piece is hard to find online and features an Andy Warhol 1976 skull design. Honestly, I have spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to find the same tee online today—to absolutely no success. Jay-Z was discovered by one online user. wearing the same tee in another, older picture, suggesting that maybe this is a wonderful “What’s yours is mine” moment for the couple. Stars! They’re just like us.