Accord offers service to textiles

LAHORE: A statement was made Tuesday by the International Accord on Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry. It offered services to the Pakistani Textile Industry without charging the local textile producers.

“There is no fee for participation in the Accord program by the local suppliers,” said Joris Oldenziel, its executive director. He also said that the Accord charges a fee for international buyers and brands.

Oldenziel led a delegation to All Pakistan Textile Mills Association, which included Veronique Cremer (head of policy and advocacy).

Zulfiqar Shah is a consultant for International


Oldenziel explained that the Accord was established to ensure workers can work safely in a safe workplace without being at risk of building safety accidents or other safety concerns. The programme was initiated in Bangladesh in 2013, he said.

The Accord program was founded on the principles of accountability, transparency and independence, worker participation, and inclusive governance.

Hamid Zaman, APTMA North Zone chairman, stated that Pakistan’s textile industry is compliant with the international and local sustainability standard SA 8000, Oeko Tex made to green, Step etc.

He said that textile mills are contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. They also ensure compliance with 27 conventions under GSP Plus status in relation to social, gender and environmental aspects.